OSI Ellenbach 2010 - 13-16 Mai 2010


Z.P3 Passrennen 150 m 


01: 269 Rebecca Hillesheim [Erwachsene] - Tildra frá Sigmundarstöđum15,46"
  1. L 0,00 
  2. L 15,46 
02: 254 Siggi Narfi Birgirsson [Erwachsene] - Speki frá Laugardal16,18"
  1. L 16,18 
  2. L 0,00 
--- 053 Julia Hehlert-Friedrich [Erwachsene] - Erpur fra Lykkesholm0,00"
  1. L 0,00 
  2. L 0,00 
--- 225 Maike Linnenbaum [Erwachsene] - Röst frá Ţverá, Skíđadal0,00"
  1. L 0,00 
  2. L 0,00 

FEIF is bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic horse

Erstellt am 14 Mai 2010 19:48:32 
IceTest 1.1.624 - FEIF - International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations - www.feif.org